fbook icon 60Meet Mrs Christmas

Christmas decsChristmas Deb 2 cropped Christmas Heart

When I was a child the year dragged by so slowly it seemed that Christmas would never come. Now it seems to come all too regularly!

But I’m not complaining – I love this time of the year! My family likes to call me 'Mrs Christmas'. That’s because, when we designed our house by the river back in 2001, I included a huge Christmas cupboard to store my collection of decorations and festive napery, as well as the presents-to-be that I begin to accumulate at each Boxing Day sale and build on during the year.

My favourite activity in the lead-up to Christmas is decorating the tree, a full-day event that takes place on November 30 in time for the first day of Advent.

Last Christmas my lovely friend Jan N gave me an ornament organiser from Aldi which transformed my tree-decorating. Now, instead of using multiple boxes and random carry bags, I can fit almost everything into the organiser. And as you can see from the pic below, it looks very smart indeed. What's more, it takes up far less space in the Christmas cupboard, allowing me to collect or create even more Christmas decorations! 

Christmas ornaments

Christmas tree with alpaca cropped 

This year's tree.

Every ornament in my collection has a history. Some have been brought back by friends from their travels to exotic locations, others are hand-made (many crafted by my beautiful mum) - painted, embroidered, sculpted, beaded, quilted - you name it! Each one is very special, as are the people who made and gave them. And one day I intend to document the story of each exquisite ornament, following the fine example of writer, Jennie Jones, who has photographed and recorded her family heirlooms and curios.

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 Hand-sewn decorations from my friend Gabi in Germany

DOB Xmas 2012 2

Christmas Santas - the painted gourd (yes, gourd!) and the stunning quilt are the work of my dear friend, Marilyn McCann. I painted the standing Santa in a workshop with American painter, Delane Lange. My mum did one too.

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Provencal-style Nativity triptych painted by me for my book, 'Folk Art of France' and inspired by a 19th century Nativity scene in the folk museum in Aix-en-Provence. The terracotta santons or 'little saints' (made by a santonnier in Provence) are dressed in traditional costumes. 

Christmas bowl

Magnificent faux tortoiseshell and gold leaf bowl by my dear friend Chrissie W

Christmas Mantel

 Fireplace almost ready for Santa's arrival - stockings to come. 

Christmas Verbena cropped

Verbena and bower vine - both flowering for Christmas

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I've always loved twig wreaths - any excuse to hang one on a door!

Christmas silver tree cropped

Gorgeous metal tree and decorations - a gift from my lovely friend, Judy A.

Christmas pavlova closeup cropped

The easiest Christmas dessert ever - buy a good quality pavlova base, smear generously with freshly whipped cream, add masses of berries (fresh, of course) and a dusting of ground pistachios and icing sugar (add the icing sugar just before serving or it will dissolve). We had this for Christmas Eve supper last year and everyone loved it.

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Christmas reindogs: Molly and Angel. (Angel refused to wear her antlers.)

And if you're looking for a Christmas gift for someone who has everything, what about a copy of 'The Trivia Man'? It's available as a print book or an e-book from the following online booksellers, or at good bookstores.

The Christmas Trivia Man cropped

Wishing you a joyful Christmas and a happy, healthy and fulfilling 2016.


17 December 2015