Book Events
'Deborah has a wonderful way of engaging with an audience about her writing journey and the inspiration behind her books.'
Hurstville City Library
There are no new events scheduled at this stage.
One Book, One Tumbarumba:
‘The Trivia Man’
Tumbarumba landscape (Image: WGH)
‘One Book, One Community’ programs have taken off in North America, the UK and now in Australia. How do these programs work? It's simple - a whole community is invited to read and discuss a chosen book. This year Tumbarumba Shire and its Library held their very first ‘One Book One Tumbarumba’. And the featured book was . . . ‘The Trivia Man’!
During September and October, multiple copies were available for members of the local community to borrow and discuss informally. I was thrilled to learn that more than 70 'Tumba' residents have read the book.
On Thursday, 12 November I drove down to Tumbarumba to meet the readers over dinner at the beautiful Elms Restaurant at the Tumbarumba Motel. I spoke about the inspirations for the book and my own connection with trivia going back an embarrassingly long way. We even had a trivia quiz with questions about the book.
Dinner at the Elms Restaurant
The following day I ran a writing workshop at the library. We focused on the genesis of a story - coming up with a great idea, a catchy title, an intriguing first line and a gripping first paragraph.
Tumbarumba Library
A big thank you to Library Coordinator, Vicki Hulm, for initiating and organising this wonderful program.
Tumbarumba roses
November, 2015
Touring with ‘The Trivia Man’
While Kevin Dwyer was off visiting nine different reviewers who kindly invited him into their virtual domains and deemed him a charming and engaging guest (albeit a tad quirky), I was a on a book tour, speaking at various venues in country NSW and Sydney itself. The week before ‘The Trivia Man’ was released, I was one of several speakers at a Literary Evening at Miss Ruby’s Bookshop in beautiful Braidwood. This fringe event was a precursor to the biennial Two Fires Festival. The bookstore, housed in an elegant Victorian-era building, was packed with authors, readers and even a visiting publisher or two.
On Friday June 5 ‘The Trivia Man’ was officially launched in the airy auditorium at Hurstville City Library. You can read about it here.
On June 10 I was at a packed Marrickville Library for an evening of fact and fiction, comprising my talk about 'The Trivia Man', followed by a trivia contest hosted by popular quizmaster, Nick Nolan, who had the audience of seventy trivialists (yes, that’s the correct term) in his thrall with some very tricky questions. For example, in what year was the term ‘to unfriend’ coined? Two teams came very close to getting it right. I made the obvious assumption and was wrong by several hundred years!
The prizes took the form of ‘lit trays’ whose only resemblance to meat trays was the large plastic trays and cling film wrapping. Winners were treated to an assortment of coffee table books and chocolates. Many thanks to the staff at Marrickville Library, Sue, Josie and Ruth, for a fantastic evening. From the positive responses on my Facebook page, I feel certain everyone had a great time.
The next evening I headed south to Sutherland Library where Monique spoilt me with cups of tea and a very nifty hands-free mini-microphone. I met lots of lovely readers and signed many books, courtesy of Amy from Berkelouw Books in Cronulla. I even got to meet the winner of one of my book giveaways!
On Thursday 25 June I spent a very enjoyable evening at Five Dock Library where there were two surprise guests among the audience - my brother- and sister-in-law, travelling back from a holiday in Byron Bay to Victoria. Thank you to Judy and Colin for braving Sydney's peak hour traffic and to everyone who came out in the rain to attend. And special thanks to Claude and the staff at Five Dock Library and Bonnie from Your Bookshop at Rhodes.
This was the last stop on the book tour and now I'm retiring to my writing cave to continue work on my new manuscript. More about it soon!
Deborah O’Brien
26 June, 2015
Launching ‘The Trivia Man’
What a great time we had launching ‘The Trivia Man’ at Hurstville City Library on Friday, 5 June. Thank you to everyone who attended, and special thanks to those who sent or brought flowers. A big thank you to the lovely Sue, head of adult collections at the library, and events coordinator Julieanne for their hospitality and all the work that went into organising things, including the yummy morning tea. I’m also grateful to the delightful Janet Grundy, who has supplied and sold books so graciously at all three of my Hurstville events.
On the eve of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend and amid an outbreak of flu that has hit so many people, it was wonderful to see such a big crowd. I was thrilled to catch up with singer, songwriter and life coach, Lindsay Drummond, whom I first met when she performed a song she had written about Rose Scott at the eponymous Women Writers’ Festival last year. Lindsay came all the way from the Southern Highlands and here’s a quirky coincidence for you - she’s a much-in-demand trivia host in the Goulburn area. It was also great to catch up with some colleagues from Sydney Tech High where I taught many years ago. And some of my lovely painting friends were present too (below).
In my talk I discussed the inspirations for ‘The Trivia Man’, my dalliance with Kevin Dwyer which turned into a long-term relationship (four and a half years and counting) and my own connection with trivia and quizzes. I also threw in some trivia questions, all deftly answered by the audience. They, in turn, posed some interesting questions of me – What is it about this fascination our society seems to have with trivia? Is Kevin based on anyone you know? (Yes, me! Or at least, the nerdy quiz kid side of my personality.) Was it cathartic to write the story? And many more.
Literary Morning, Society of Women Writers NSW
11 February, 2015
I was delighted to be guest speaker at the first Literary Morning Tea of the Society of Women Writers NSW, held in the Dixson Room in the Mitchell Wing of the State Library of NSW on Wednesday, 11 February, 2015.
In my talk I discussed the inspirations for 'Mr Chen's Emporium' and the 'Millbrooke Trilogy', and the process of blending of historical, mystery and romantic elements in my novels.
Thank you to President, Dr Maria Hill, Vice-President, Dr Wendy Michaels and the Committee for their hospitality.
Rose Scott Women Writers' Festival 2014
Rose Scott 1883
Source: Wiki Commons; Photographer, August Ludwig, State Library of New South Wales
I was thrilled to be a guest speaker at this exciting event held on Saturday, August 16, 2o14 at the Women's Club overlooking Hyde Park in Sydney. The festival is named in honour of pioneering Sydney suffragette and social reformer, Rose Scott, who coincidentally makes a cameo appearance in my second novel, 'The Jade Widow'. The picture (above) shows her as she would have looked at the time of the book, which is set in the mid-1880s.
In the process of researching Rose Scott's life, I felt I came to know her very well and I have huge respect for her vision, courage, negotiating skills and achievements. I truly believe Australian women would not have gained the vote as early as they did (1902), were it not for the lobbying efforts of Rose Scott.
With Blanche d'Alpuget
Fellow speakers on the Saturday were Blanche D'Alpuget, Judy Nunn and Susan Steggall. Read more here.
Launching ‘A Place of Her Own’
Completing the final draft of a manuscript is only the start of the publication process. It’s followed by months of revising, tweaking, polishing, editing and checking. After a final proofing, the book goes off to the printer. A month or two later, there's a courier at the author’s front door, delivering a box of advance copies. You tear open the box and smile with pride at the finished book. You run your fingers over the embossed lettering on the cover, only to realise that your name is bigger than the title! And you wonder if it shouldn’t be the other way around. With considerable trepidation you begin reading the text. On reaching the end you sigh with relief that you haven’t found a typo . . . or shudder at a mistake you missed and pray nobody will notice.
A couple of weeks pass and suddenly it’s launch day. You emerge from your writing cave, blinking into the bright sunlight, and head off to meet the people who make books come alive – the readers. Without a reader, a book is just a collection of printed pages bound together inside a cover, or a digital file hovering in cyberspace. It is the reader who brings his or her own experiences and emotional agenda to the author’s story and adds dimensions that weren’t there in the first place.
Lunchtime, Thursday, May 1 and I’m at Hurstville City Library where I feel honoured that sixty people have gathered to listen to my launch talk.
Naturally enough, I speak about ‘A Place of Her Own’ but I also outline my own journey towards becoming a novelist, with all its twists and turns. Afterwards members of the audience ask insightful questions about the writing process and I have to confess that I’m the kind of wayward author who doesn’t plan her work beyond an initial premise and some guideposts.
I also discover that there are several enthusiastic members of the ‘Richard Scott fan club’ in the audience. Since I’ve always considered Richard the unlikeliest heart-throb of all time, I’m rather puzzled by this phenomenon.
The lovely library staff, including Sue, the ‘Adult Collections’ librarian (no, it’s not as racy as it sounds – it simply means books for adults as opposed to children) have organised everything meticulously, including a delicious array of nibbles and glasses of champers.
The next day I’m on my way to the country for Saturday’s book signing at the delightful Miss Ruby’s Bookshop in Braidwood.
Housed in a row of Victorian-era shops with cast-iron lace verandahs, Miss Ruby’s exemplifies everything I love about small local bookshops – a cosy interior with comfortable armchairs, a mix of new and recycled books, and friendly owners who will do their best to track down obscure books for you. To complete the picture, there’s a rescue cat called Millie.
Saturday, May 3 also happes to be Braidwood’s heritage festival, celebrating 175 years since the town was founded. The Governor herself is in town for the occasion. She seems to be enjoying herself immensely. And no wonder – it’s a fabulous day with heaps of things to do – watching the street parade, visiting the Heritage Art Prize exhibition, buying bric-a-brac at the heritage markets, watching maypole dancing in the park and enjoying the random acts of art and music staged along the main street.
Deborah O’Brien
May 6. 2014
'The Jade Widow' Seminar
Thank you to the BRAG Committee for their great work in organising this seminar. And many thanks for the gorgeous cake. It was a lovely surprise.