Cropped Media DOB

 Contact Me

Please feel welcome to contact me by email:

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For media enquiries about 'Mr Chen's Emporium', 'The Jade Widow', 'A Place of Her Own' or 'The Trivia Man' (all Penguin Random House), please contact the Publicity Department at Penguin Australia: 
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway,
North Sydney, NSW 2060

For all enquiries about 'The Rarest Thing' please email me at the above address.

This book is no longer available in print form but is still available as an ebook from KOBO

For all other information including rights, please contact my literary agent:

The Drummond Agency
PO Box 572
Woodend VIC 3442

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.